Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Marshall, Missouri

Despite the weather forecasts we had great weather for our ride to Marshall. Today’s highlight was our stop in Arrow Rock, Missouri. According to the town’s web page, Native Americans gathered flint from the bluffs for arrowheads, hence the name. Lewis and Clark noted the bluff and nearby salt licks as they labored up the Missouri River in 1804. Westbound explorers and traders paused at Arrow Rock Spring, and in 1829 some settled and founded a town. We spent hours there just relaxing, eating, and enjoying the day. Our lunch included sandwiches, drinks, and desert. Carl did not want his strawberry short cake. Joe, in true team spirit, sacrificed and ate both his own and Carl’s.

On the way out of town we were stopped by a local residence who told us that he is the fifth generation to live in his nearby home. The home built in 1835 by his great grandfathers is still in great condition. He insisted in telling us that his grandfather who built the home used to take trade goods to California; a 2 year journey. When his grandfather returned home his wife was pregnant and eventually moved out to live with his best friend who owned the Arrow Rock tavern. Our experience with Missourians has been fantastic. Everyone we have met has been more than kind and the drivers have been very patient with us on the roads. This is much different than the experience we had in 2002 when we were in Missouri as we crossed the United States. We hope that this hospitality continues on the rest of our journey.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates guys, I'm enjoying them a lot. Make sure my dad doesn't steal all your desserts.

    Dad, let us know when you're available to webchat - Stella misses you!
