Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Chamberlain, South Dakota

Before getting into the nitty-gritty detail of today, we just want to say WOW! It was a great day cycling. We had a tail wind most of the time as we headed northwest to where we are camping on the Missouri River bank. Yes Lewis and Clark purists, we are at a location they may have also camped.

Now, to the detail of our day: We had breakfast at Shorty’s Café in downtown Platte. It was a good breakfast and an interesting time. A couple of days ago, some women tried to entice Joe to go to a casino and this morning Joe tried out for the bartenders job at Shortys. Joe failed, not because of his bartending skills, but rather because he ate all the pies.

Before we left town we knew that we need to provision ourselves for a 56 mile day with no café or gas station stops. We went to the grocery store and got extra bottles of sports drink and snacks. As we passed the bakery we could not ignore the smell of fresh sticky buns. Being judicious, HP packed his for later but Joe could not let a good pastry spoil so he ate his. Jeff mumbled something about having it both ways; eating it and carrying it in his stomach.

With no stops along the way and a great tail wind, we flew. Jeff’s bike computer registered a 14 mile average for the day. That is fast for him. Joe noted the absolute peace and quiet of the day. He heard the birds chirp and saw a pheasant and deer cross his path. He even accepted the loss of speed when he had to climb. Joe said “that slowing down to 15 mph on hills is ok, when the day is perfect.”

Jeff’s day was spent daydreaming. He imagined himself in the 1850s crossing the South Dakota prairies on horse back. He saw vast wide open spaces, just a scattering of homesteaders, and buffalo. The enormity of that 1850’s day will remain with him forever.

HP found several of the shady spots that Jeff and Joe missed. However, HP said that the day got too hot for him and he could not wait for a refreshing cool beer. Perhaps Joe will serve him a cold one.
Click to view today's Photos
Click to view an overview Map of our trip
Click for a detailed map of today's ride

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