Sunday, May 3, 2009

Living high in Hermann, Missouri

We woke up with the sun. It was our first sunny day of the trip and we were ecstatic. HP promised sun and he delivered. In addition to the sun we were blessed with minimal traffic as we cycled the highway back to the Katy trail. This was definitely the start of a great day.

However great our start, we did not have a clear objective for our destination. The prior night we spent hours trying to optimize mileage and places to stay; none of which provided a clear objective. But, did we mention that we had sunshine and not much else mattered. Besides we are retired and looking to smell some roses.

Since today was Saturday, many more people were using the trail. A man named John offered to cycle with us to the next village so he could show us where to get coffee. John a Vietnam Veteran told us of his service and joked that he could go to war and perhaps get killed but when he came home he was not old enough to purchase a beer. John seemed to know all the farmers gathered outside the store where we were to get coffee. Once inside he introduced us to Britney, the teenaged store manger, coffee maker, and breakfast server. She sat with us and joined in our conversation. She did not have a menu but offered to make us several styles of egg. One offer was for “daddy eggs,” a term that none of us knew. When asked, both John and Britney gave us the “look” that everybody knows what they are but their explanation left us just as unknowing. So we each ordered a daddy egg and as best as we can determine it is an egg fried in a ring with the yoke broken.

Along our way we met many cyclists telling us of flood problems along the trail about 2 days ahead. One couple told us that they cycled several miles in near knee deep water and climbed over another section where the cliff collapsed and blocked the trail. Needless to say, we are looking into ways to ride around these sections. Joe is in his element planning new routes and alternative routes to the ones he finds. Joe would be lost without his computer. Despite being a retired programmer, it is in his blood.

Our day came to a conclusion when we decided to smell the roses and spend the night in Hermann. It is an old German town with lots of character. Before leaving the trail we tried to get hotel reservations, but with no success. Not to be deterred, we cycled across the river and Joe spotted a likely place to seek nights lodging. We ended up with a Bed and Breakfast Inn where we have our own house with 3 separate bedrooms, 2 whirlpool baths, a shower with multiple shower heads, and a great view of the river. We could go on describing this place forever. However, it is so nice we may not go on but stay here forever.



  1. I think Hermann has a winery. I tried the wine once, a long time ago, but I don't think I liked it. But what a great town and what a great B&B. (I've never heard of DaddyEggs either!)

  2. Hello!
    C'est très intéressant de suivre votre trajet. Toutefois, il me semble que l'une de vos principales occupations, à part de pédaler, est de consommer des tartes.
    Dès lors, les miles supplémentaires que vous devez faire lorsque vous vous perdez (et ceci semble vous arriver assez souvent)ne peuvent être que bénéfiques à votre poids.
    Bonne route et bon appétit!

  3. It looks like you guys are having a blast! I see you ran into a turtle although it doesn't seem to be the aggressive type.

    It was great to have met you. Keep the rubber one the road and may you have many days of sunshine.

    the bike guide...
