Thursday, May 28, 2009

Killdeer, North Dakota

Today was a perfect cycling day. It started out earlier than expected with the change to Mountain Time. We were on the road by 6 a.m. We enjoyed moderate temperatures, sunny skies, no wind, and little traffic. The weather stayed perfect until 11 a.m. sharp. At that time Mother Nature decided that we had enough of a good thing and turned on the winds!

Along the route we were stopped by Helga. She is a 78 year old German woman driving a van packed with her bike, camping gear, and all the necessities for seeing the United States. She has crossed the United States every year since her first journey in 2000. Each year she selects a different route and this year she is taking a similar route to ours. After she flagged us down she celebrated our meeting by sharing some of her ice cold chocolate milk and a plate of fresh tomatoes. Once again HP has found a kindred spirit that shares his native language.

This is definitely a good trip for HP. In the town of Halliday he was told by the tenant of the CafĂ© that its former owners were from Switzerland. HP went to Rene and Christine’s home and enjoyed great hospitality; including the best espresso that he has had west of St. Louis.

Click to view today's Photos
Click to view an overview Map of our trip
Click for a detailed map of today's ride

1 comment:

  1. North Dakota is beautiful! Helga reminded me of "Lizzie" a woman we met near Libby, Montana in 1994. She was also 78 and traveled in a van and "followed the sun."
    Your photos are wonderful, and we can see that you're leaving the Plains and will be coming into foothills soon. Safe travels.
