Friday, July 3, 2009

Portland, Oregon

HP has arrived! He made it to Portland after a long day’s ride. While it was a long day, it was also a wonderful day. HP cycled on the Historic Columbia River Highway to Troutdale. This road is very scenic: a winding narrow road through cool forests and great overlooks that provide vistas of the Columbia George. HP said that this was one of the nicest roads that he has cycled.

Initially, HP thought about asking Mark (Joe’s son) to pick him up somewhere just outside of Portland. He was concerned about cycling into the city. However, HP quickly became aware of Portland’s “bike friendly” access. HP said that “even in Switzerland we could learn from Portland's attitude toward bikers.” HP will spend a few days with Mark and his family before flying home to Switzerland.

CONGRATULATIONS, your journey is done! HP, you are now an official member of the Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Cascade Locks, Oregon

From Walla Walla, HP made it to Umatilla. On the way there, east bound cyclists told him of the terrible headwinds he would face in the Colombia River George. They reported gusts up to 40 miles per hour. Hearing this, HP feared that while he would be facing west, he would actually be traveling backwards to the east.

HP stopped at West Roosevelt where he camped at the city park. In addition to cyclists, the park also hosted Mexicans who harvest the area’s strawberries. Since many of them were accompanied by their families, the park had a great family atmosphere with barbeques, music, football games, and youngsters.

While the festivity was fun for HP, the night was more exciting. At midnight HP was awakened by what he though was a terrible thunderstorm. The “heavy rain” just soaked his tent. By the time HP was fully awake, he realized that he pitched his tent directly in the path of the lawn’s sprinkler system. HP wanted to move his tent but as one sprinkler stopped another one started. HP could not figure out where to move his tent so he decided to try to sleep “listening to the rain.” He did not get much rest and had to pack a wet tent before leaving.

On June 30th HP cycled to The Dalles. Despite the dire warnings, the headwinds were not bad. He did have wonderful views of the Columbia River Gorge and Mount Hood.

After experiencing one of his greatest rides, HP arrived at Cascade Locks on July 1. He continued along the Columbia River Gorge with some great downhill rides through the forest. This area is very popular with local cyclists and HP met many of them. HP often stopped to talk because he had a great tailwind that pushed him westward. Closer to Cascade Locks he got off the Interstate Highway and took the Historic Colombia River trail. The trail has fantastic vistas, shade, and smooth asphalt.